Class Options

Drop-in Classes

Once you've registered for an Online Class, you will have the link and are welcome to just join the class without booking/announcing each time - however please be sure to complete and return the health questionnaire Registration Form sent to you via email beforehand, and log-in at least 10 minutes early for your first class to chat with the teacher and sort out technical issues before others arrive.

Each yoga class usually commences with a short relaxation, bringing awareness to the body and breath. We then proceed with a range of postures and stretches (asanas) according to the class type/level, moving each part of the body to relieve tension, develop flexibility and build the strength of muscles and joints.

Asanas will also influence the organs, glands and nervous system, and so improve your overall health, wellbeing and state of mind. A short relaxation completes the physical element of the class, followed by pranayama (breath techniques) and meditation. We conclude the practice by chanting OM and making a positive dedication for the benefit of all.

Level 1 – Beginners Yoga

The yoga exercises from Level 1 in the Yoga in Daily Life system are called Sarav Hita Asanas, which means "good for all". Level 1 is designed for beginners and those who want to build a firm foundation for their existing practice. Includes: yoga exercises to increase flexibility and strength of muscles and improve the function of internal organs; yogic breathing to reduce stress and anxiety; traditional pranayama, relaxation and meditation techniques.

Lunchtime Yoga

ONLINE | Tuesday & Thursday 12.30 - 1.15pm

The Lunchtime Yoga class is open to everyone and instructed according to your level of ability and experience. These short 45 minute classes give you a break during your busy workday and include gentle yoga exercises, breathing techniques and meditation from Yoga in Daily Life in order to release physical and mental tension, relax and refocus the mind, gently re-energise the body, and prepare your digestive system for a healthy lunch!

Intermediate | Experienced Yoga

ONLINE | Tuesday 6.30 - 8pm
ONLINE | Saturday 9.30 - 11am

Intermediate/Experienced classes will deepen your practice of asanas, relaxation, pranayama and meditation, providing you with more strength, energy and a sense of wellbeing. The techniques can help correct poor posture, strengthen the body and boost energy, and also help create a peaceful state of mind, building confidence and enabling you to feel calm and strong. You should have completed the YIDL Level 1 Foundation Course or attended at least three months of YIDL Level 1 Beginners and/or Revitalising Yoga drop-in classes before moving into this level, after consulting with your yoga teacher.

Yoga For All

EDINBURGH | Wednesday 6.30 - 7.30pm

The Yoga For All class is open to everyone – including complete beginners – and instructed according to your level of ability and experience. These classes utilise physical exercises, breathing techniques and meditation from the system Yoga in Daily Life® (YIDL) to increase a sense of vitality, improve flexibility and strength of muscles and joints, aid the proper functioning of internal organs, whilst providing relaxation, ease and balance for body, mind and soul.

Restorative Yoga

ONLINE | Thursday 6.30 - 7.30pm

The Restorative Yoga class is open to everyone and is a very slow and relaxing class. These classes utilise physical postures and gentle exercises, breathing techniques and meditation from the system Yoga in Daily Life® (YIDL) to activate the relaxation response of the parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to better release of mental stress and physical tension and allows for the body's natural healing processes to function.

Mindful Breathing & Meditation

EDINBURGH & ONLINE | Wednesday 8 - 9pm

A mid-week class focusing on the breath and meditation, exploring ancient yoga principles and techniques to develop greater self-awareness, inner peace and happiness in your daily life. Beginning with some gentle stretches to get comfortable before sitting, then pranayama energy/breathing exercises, followed by practising simple techniques of sitting and observing the mind, according to the Yoga in Daily Life® system of Self-Inquiry Meditation; and you'll learn ways to establish a regular meditation practice at home. No prior experience is necessary, all welcome.

Yoga Nidra Relaxation & Meditation

ONLINE | Friday 6.30 - 7.30pm

Give yourself the bliss of winding down at the end of the week with the deep physical and mental relaxation experienced in Yoga Nidra. This technique involves lying down on the back for a progressive body scan - cushions and blankets are provided for warmth and support. An additional bonus of the practice is that it enables you to access your subconscious, connect with inner motivations and manifest positive intentions, by using a sankalpa or resolve. We finish with a short peaceful seated meditation - sitting in a chair or up in bed is fine for those who cannot sit comfortably on the floor, after all you are in the comfort of your own home. This class is suitable for all and particularly recommended for those in a healing process.

Monthly Satsang with Swami Madhuram

ONLINE | Thursday 8 - 9pm 

A mid-month online gathering, with Swami Madhuram leading traditional chanting and meditation, plus sitting and observing the mind, according to the Yoga in Daily Life system of Self-Inquiry Meditation. These traditional practices help us to develop greater self-awareness, inner peace and joy in the present moment and in daily life. No prior experience is necessary, all welcome. Use your Class Pass or by donation.

2024: 25 January | 29 February | 14 March | 25 April | 23 May | 20 June | 11 July | 12 September | 10 October | 7 November | 19 December